Thursday, August 9, 2012

Color update!

Sorry I haven't posted recently. I've been spending all my free time painting these stars.  I still have a lot to go!  I did make a picture to show what it would look like so far if I started working with the colors I have painted already.  It'd look like this:

I'm currently working on the light brown that goes in his hair before working with that tan color.  I'll probably work on the greens after that and then the remainder of the colors from there.

I still need to get a posterboard large enough to cover the cardboard backing.  I thought the one I picked up from the dollar store would be good but it's too short on both ends. orz  Maybe Michael's will have a larger one.

Sadly no progress on Pit. D:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Painting stars!

So today I thought I'd start painting some of the stars.  I started with the colors that I know are default and won't require matching to the picture. Like white, black, standard yellow, etc.

So here's the set up!

I started painting them where I would just hold the star in between my fingers but that got too tedious and messy.  I tried placing them in a small tin and painting them there and that didn't work out well either.  So, I stuck a pin into the end that would be glued to the board and then nestled the pin in some clay. That works!

(Oh look you can see my Derpy mod in the background)

 I ended up pulling another piece of clay out and now have two of these holder things. It still takes a while to paint the stars, but so far so good.

Here's what I got done today:

All the black stars are done (114) and a little less than half of the white (291).  I'm going to have to go to a Michael's soon and get some paints for the ones that have a lot of stars.


I started painting the trim on his shoes since I had some white paint left over on the paint palette.

That's about it for today.  I'll probably finish the white tomorrow and start on yellow.

Here's a list of all the colors and how much of each I need:

White- 291
Black- 114
Light Green (grass): 739
Dark Green (grass): 601
Yellow (hair):610
Light Yellow: 89
Tan: 1048
Light Brown: 260
Dark Brown: 39
Gray: 277
Pink: 62
Light Pink: 32
Peach: 17
Dark Peach: 82
Orange (vest): 448
Red (vest): 367
Yellow (vest): 69
Dark Orange: 36
Red(helmet): 440
Orange (helmet): 138
Gray (helmet): 60
Light gray (helmet): 47
Purple blue light (butterfly): 90
Light blue (butterfly): 77
Dark Purple (butterfly): 32
Dark green (butterfly): 10
Dark blue (arms and waist): 461
Lightest green (gem): 40
Medium green (gem): 27
Dark green (gem): 18
Dark blue (helmet): 214
Grayish blue (helmet): 106
Dark Red (helmet):11

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So today I looked at the Zero picture and figured I'd go ahead and make a list detailing how many of each color I needed.  I found my original picture to be horrible for this since it had way too many shades per area.  So I colored it in myself.  Here's the comparison:

The one on the left is the newly colored piece.  Also, the grass was originally something I put in myself.  The picture I was basing it off of just had Zero on a black background. I pixelized it using photoshop and went on my way.  The original picture has a lot more colors and is absolutely beautiful. Here, take a look

My list is complete, and I'll start painting sometime soon!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It's Pit time!

Stars are complete!  I originally intended to make 7000 flat, but I ran out of shredded paper at 6,995 so I didn't bother.  It's still about 40 more stars than I actually need.  Next part to this project is the painting!

But uh, folding all those stars was a pain so I'm taking a break for a bit.  However..  I started working on the Pit pony! : D  So first, I worked on filling in the holes in the head where the hair was previously.  Rarity is there too for reference.  I went ahead and filled in all three.

While filling Celestia's head I noticed I still had some slight bits of hair left over, but it was nothing substantial.

 So then I started on actual Pit work!  First thing was his gauntlets!
Then his little thigh gold band thingermajiger.

After that I started working on his shoes.  Honestly, I should've finished the gauntlets first but...I didn't.  They need two bands each.

That's the start of the shoes he wears (they're sandals)  with the rope thing that goes around it.  Here's a pic from the front:
This was a pain to work with.  The strips of clay were as thin as I could feasibly get them and they were still pretty thick.  I had to thin down the area in the middle considerably otherwise the clay pieces would stick to each other.  Not easy either since the pony's legs are pretty darn close together to begin with.

Here's the shoes with the frill and the gauntlets now have the bands : D  The shoes are gauntlets are practically done minus the firing and paint.   Here's some more pics to show the details

Since the clay is put directly on the pony figure I can't fire it like a normal clay piece.  Instead I have to pull out a pot (I have one set aside for this)  and boil the clay pieces for about 15 minutes.  Here's the finished piece.  It's not rock hard, but it's hard enough that I won't mess any details up when I'm making the rest of it.

I might have to give it a light sand to get it smooth, but I'm quite content with the way it's turning out so far.

That's pretty much it for today's update!  Hopefully I'll have some more tomorrow.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Progress!  Or rather,  pictures!

  Also, here's Rainbow Dash with a Mohawk before I pulled all the hair out:

I currently have 6,300 stars folded at the time of this writing!  I still need 652 more for the picture.

(There's about 4,000 or so in that bucket-jar thing)    I also got a piece of cardboard big enough for the picture!  It comes up to my waist from the floor.

That's it on the couch.  (Notice Rikku in the corner on a box?)  I need to get some posterboard to cover it and add the white background I'll be working from.  But, it's a sturdy backdrop and it should work.

Now if only I could find a frame this big cheaply.  Otherwise I'm going to have to make that too!

Monday, July 9, 2012

First post, oh boy!  So, I created this blog to show progress throughout the various projects I take up.  Some of this will be kinda like a tutorial but kinda not.  If you have any questions, let me know!

So far here's what I have as far as projects go:

Origami Star Pixel artwork-  Requires 6,952 stars to act as pixels, each needing to be painted.  Subject of Artwork:  Zero, from Megaman Zero GBA games. Picture below

Pit and Palutena pony mods-   Pit is based on a Rainbow Dash and Palutena will be based on a Celestia.  I've already removed the hair, and I'll need to paint them before working on the clay portions.

Reference picture here:

Mitsuru pony mod-  This one's a request from Vaku (my hubbie) since we got an extra Rarity.  So I'll be making a Mitsuru (Persona 3)  This one's gonna take a lot of work to get it to look the way I want it to and I'm still debating on whether or not I want to make a tiny Jack Frost sitting on her back when it's all done.

No reference picture sadly D: